
Sotogrande dolphin

WeWhale launches new dolphin observation experiences in Sotogrande, Spain

Sotogrande in Spain has been revealed to be the latest dolphin observation destination for……

striped dolphins

Deep dive…into Striped dolphins

One of the most widespread dolphins in the world, striped dolphins are acrobatic and usually found…

April 2024 WeWhale Sightings

April 2024 WeWhale Sightings Report

TenerifeWeWhale trips in Tenerife during the month of April 2024 had top result, with cetacean…

whale migration

The Great Migrators

Whales travel tens of thousands of kilometres during their lifetime, and they usually make these…

Empty the Tanks

WeWhale hosts ‘Empty the Tanks’ rally in Lanzarote

WeWhale was delighted to take part again this year in Empty the Tanks, the worldwide protest…

sei whale

Deep dive...into Sei whales

The third largest whale species after blue whales and fin whales, sei whales are usually observed…

Save the Iberian orca

WeWhale launches ‘Save the Iberian Orca’ GoFundMe Campaign

A new campaign to help protect the critically endangered Iberian Orca has been launched by WeWhale…

Cuvier's beaked whale

Deep dive...into Cuvier's beaked whales

The Cuvier’s beaked whale is one of the larger members of the beaked whale family. Found in most…

Naomi Rose

The WeWhale Pod Episode 13 - Naomi Rose

Our guest for this episode of The WeWhale Pod is Naomi Rose, senior scientist (marine mammal…

Deep dive…into Bottlenose dolphins

The bottlenose dolphin is one of the most well-studied marine mammals in the wild. Found in both…