threats to whales

International Whaling Commission

WeWhale at the International Whaling Commission Meeting 2022

WeWhale was delighted to be invited as an Observer to the 68th International Whaling Commission…

Grey whales

Deep dive…into Grey whales

Grey whales (Eschrichtius robustus) make one of the longest annual migrations of any mammal,…

Pelagos Sanctuary

The Pelagos Sanctuary: Protecting Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea

Are you planning a whale or dolphin watching trip? You are probably thinking about going to the…

Sperm whale

Deep dive...into Sperm whales

There’s still a lot of mystery around sperm whales due to the fact that they spend so much of their…

Pilot whales

Deep dive...into Pilot whales

The pilot whale is found in regions all over the world and has two species: the long-finned pilot…

Composite image of five books on whale protection

Passionate about whale protection? Five books you need to read…

If you want to learn more about whales and the issues they face around the world, there’s no better…

fin whales

Deep dive...into Fin whales

The fin whale is the second largest animal on earth, after the blue whale. It gets its name from a…


Deep dive…into Orcas

The Orca (scientific name: Orcinus orca) is classified as a toothed whale due to its suborder. Its…