natural behaviour
How to Speak Whale: A Voyage into the Future of Animal Communication
“Either we continue to imagine and project onto them all sorts of things about the inner…
The WeWhale Pod Episode 8 - Hanne Strager
Photo: Paul Nicklen Our guest for this episode of The WeWhale Pod is Hanne Strager, biologist,…
Whales That Made a Mark on the World: Keiko
Main Picture: Mark Berman In our third blog on whales who’ve captured the attention of the world…
Deep dive...into Sperm whales
There’s still a lot of mystery around sperm whales due to the fact that they spend so much of their…
Deep dive…into Blue whales
The blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) rules the ocean. It’s the largest animal ever to have lived…
Deep dive...into Fin whales
The fin whale is the second largest animal on earth, after the blue whale. It gets its name from a…
What is responsible whale watching?
As interest in whale watching has risen, a conversation has developed around what is responsible…