
Atlantic white-sided dolphin

Deep dive…into Atlantic white-sided dolphins

A highly sociable species, the Atlantic white-sided dolphin is often spotted in large pods…


Dolphins That Made a Mark on the World: Fungie

We take a look at Fungie, a bottlenose dolphin living in Dingle, Ireland, who featured in news…

false killer whales

Deep dive…into False killer whales

While their name suggests otherwise, false killer whales are actually dolphins. They’re highly…

Sotogrande dolphin

WeWhale launches new dolphin observation experiences in Sotogrande, Spain

Sotogrande in Spain has been revealed to be the latest dolphin observation destination for……

striped dolphins

Deep dive…into Striped dolphins

One of the most widespread dolphins in the world, striped dolphins are acrobatic and usually found…

Deep dive…into Bottlenose dolphins

The bottlenose dolphin is one of the most well-studied marine mammals in the wild. Found in both…

Atlantic spotted dolphins

Deep dive...into Atlantic spotted dolphins

Fast swimmers who are often active at the ocean’s surface, Atlantic spotted dolphins are found…

Common dolphin

Deep dive into...Common dolphins

Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) are often spotted in large groups and are highly sociable.…