threats to whales

ghost gear

The WeWhale Pod Episode 17 - Podcast Panel on Combatting Ghost Gear

This special panel episode of The WeWhale Pod focuses on the problem of ghost gear in our waters…

Cuvier's beaked whale

Deep dive...into Cuvier's beaked whales

The Cuvier’s beaked whale is one of the larger members of the beaked whale family. Found in most…

bowhead whale

Deep dive…into Bowhead whales

Living exclusively in the Arctic region, the bowhead whale is the longest-living mammal on earth.…

WeWhale Association website

New website for WeWhale Association is launched

We’re delighted to launch a new website for WeWhale Association, the sister organisation of…

Common dolphin

Deep dive into...Common dolphins

Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) are often spotted in large groups and are highly sociable.…

Minke whale

Deep dive...into Minke whales

The minke whale is the second smallest member of the baleen family, growing to a maximum of 10…

Humpback whales

Deep dive...into Humpback whales

Humpback whales make one of the longest migrations of all animals, with some individuals travelling…


Deep dive…into Narwhals

The narwhal (Monodon monoceros) is a medium sized toothed whale that’s only found in Arctic waters.…

Whale Protection Documentaries

Passionate about whale protection? Five documentaries you need to see…

Want to educate yourself about whales and the issues they face around the world? Documentaries are…

Harry Eckman

The WeWhale Pod Episode 1 - Harry Eckman, CEO of the World Cetacean Alliance

We’re delighted to share the very first episode of The WeWhale Pod, a podcast diving into…